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Lunch & Learn webinar series

Fair & Competitive Markets — January 16

BFI’s Executive Director, Jeanne Merrill, will be joined by Andrew Green, who serves as the Senior Advisor for Fair and Competitive Markets at the USDA. We will discuss the efforts of the Biden-Harris administration to address agricultural market competition issues, what they accomplished, and what remains to be done to advance fair and viable agricultural markets for small, midscale, and underserved farmers in the United States.

Soda Taxes in California — January 21

The recent passage of Measure Z in Santa Cruz marks an important milestone for local soda tax in California. Berkeley, the first city in the nation to implement a sugary drink tax, has demonstrated how these measures can reduce consumption, increase access to healthier options, and fund vital community programs. Join two UC Berkeley experts, Marice Ashe and Kristine Madsen, as they discuss the impact of soda taxes and what the passage of Measure Z means for the future of soda taxes in California.

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