
Foodscape Map: Basic Needs: Food Security

April 2017

Basic Needs Security (BNS) refers to the food, housing, and financial security of our community. We understand that basic needs have a direct impact on the mental-emotional-physical health, wellness, academic performance, professional development, and holistic success of our students.This infographic provides a 2016 snapshot of some of the efforts that support food insecure students, including the Food Pantry, the Food Assistance Program, CalFresh Clinics, Harvest Days, the Personal Food Security and Wellness course, and gardening opportunities. Data were collected between 2013-2016 using deidentified student ID’s and surveys. Each of the efforts included in this infographic plays a critical role in the overall Basic Needs Security model, which is working to end hunger, malnourishment, and homelessness among UC Berkeley students.

See the Basic Needs Security website for most up to date information.

Data collection by Emily Altman and Meg Prier.